Create Organisation from Template

Using a template to create a new student group streamlines the setup process, ensuring efficiency and consistency.

By selecting a template, you automatically define the group’s type, specify available categories, and generate any associated child groups per the template’s configuration. The template also facilitates the setup of membership products, optionally putting them on sale for immediate purchase. If the group type includes the option to enable website pages, a web page can also be automatically generated for the new group with just a few clicks.

Once you click Create, the new group will be added, complete with all associated child groupings, memberships, and membership products. A link will also be displayed to take you directly to the newly created organisation for any adjustments.

To add new templates or edit existing ones, see Grouping Templates.


You can access this feature from the MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Create Organisation from Template window.

For further information, see Groups Overview and Grouping Templates.

Create Organisation from Template Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Create Organisation from Template window.

Field NameDefinition
TemplateThis dropdown field displays all the Template Groups created in your MSL System.
During installation, we typically create a template for each type of student group you manage, such as Template Society, Template Club, or Template Sports Club.
Selecting a Template determines the group's Type, available Categories and the Child Groups that will be automatically created.
For additional templates or to make changes, see Grouping Templates.

This is the Name of the group.

This field is mandatory.


This field specifies the Parent Organisation to which the new group belongs. The dropdown will only display organisations that allow the type of group you're creating.

Usually, when creating new organisations by copying an existing template, all groups of the same type share the same parent organisation. For instance, all groups of type "Society" might have a parent organisation called "Activities" or "Societies". To automatically complete this field when a template is selected, set a default parent organisation for each grouping type. For further information, see How to Edit an Organisation or Container Grouping Type.

To move a group to a different parent organisation, see How to Move a Group.

This field is mandatory.


This is the group's Category, helping to organise groups by their shared purpose. For example, users can filter groups on your Clubs A-Z list by categories such as "academic" "performance" or "competitive."

The options are the attributes added to this group's grouping type.

This field is mandatory.

Email AddressThis is the group's contact Email Address.

This field is used by Messaging Admin to set the From and Reply To addresses for messages sent on behalf of the organisation. Additionally, if configured on a web page, this email address is displayed via the Grouping Contact Info widget.


This is the group's Website Address.

If configured on a web page, this web address is displayed via the Grouping Contact Info widget.

Short Description

This is a Description of the group.

When configured on a web page, this description can be displayed through various widgets.

(Memberships) Name
This section lists all the child groups included in the selected template, such as membership groups, committee roles, and mailing lists.
To update these groups, you can modify the child groups in the template. For further information, see Grouping Templates.
If you need to make changes to just a few groups, you can do so after creating the group from the template.
(Memberships) Type
This lists the Grouping Type of each corresponding child group.
(Memberships) Category
This lists the Category for each corresponding child group.
Create ProductThis checkbox is displayed next to a child group if its grouping type has "Allow Product Membership" enabled in the options.
Keep this option selected to automatically create a membership product that adds members to the corresponding child group upon purchase.
PriceThis field sets the cost of the membership product.
To update the price in the future, use the Products window in your MSL Admin site.
Finance CodeThis is a unique identifier for allocating revenue from the group's membership products, made up of up to three sections.
If you're unsure, check with your finance team - they may have already set up a finance code for the new organisation's revenue.
Code DescriptionThis field provides a brief explanation of the finance code's purpose or use.
Put On Sale At

To make the membership product(s) available for purchase immediately, select the shops where you'd like them to be offered.

The options are any Shops you might have set up.

By default, your MSL System includes a Website shop linked to your payment gateway. If the StudentLink® app is installed, it will be linked to an App shop, also connected to your payment gateway.

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