
The E-tickets feature allows individual tickets to be emailed to your users. The  MSL System enables you to send an email containing multiple tickets as PDF attachments, each with a unique barcode (or ID) for validating individual entrance to an event or venue. The IDs are randomised, not sequential.


You can access this feature from both your MSL website and your MSL Admin site. Only Content Editors with access to Events Admin can access the Event Tickets window. Only Super Admins with Event Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the E-ticketing Queue and Setup windows.

You will need to have E-ticketing installed on your MSL System to access this feature.
If interested, please ask your Contractual System Admin to get in touch for a quote and to discuss the implementation of this feature.

There is an patent (patent no GB2391101B) concerning ticketing systems using barcode scanning. The MSL System includes features that enable you to implement various processes, some of which might be protected by patents or other Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) that MSL does not own or have a licence for. Therefore, your organisation should ensure that you do not infringe on the mentioned patent or other IPR.

Refunding a transaction linked to an e-ticket cancels the ticket, denying venue entry.

For scanning of student cards, rather than e-tickets, see Scanning University Cards.

For further information, see Events Overview.

Event Tickets Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Events Tickets window.

Field NameDefinition
TemplateThis dropdown appears if more than one Ticket Template has been created. If an Event does not specify a Ticket Template, the Default Template is used. There can only be one Default Ticket Template.
Send e-ticketsIf checked, E-tickets are emailed to the purchaser.

For further information, see How to Apply an E-ticket Ticket Template to an Event and How to Enable E-tickets for a Ticket.

Queue Fields

The E-ticketing Queue is where you can view all transactions containing E-tickets, check their sending status, and resend E-tickets if required.

This table lists and explains the fields in the E-ticketing Queue window.

Field NameDefinition
Txn #This is the unique ID number for a transaction. All sales transactions have a unique ID number.
Purchase dateThis is the date and time the ticket was purchased.

Queue date

This is the date and time the transaction was added to the E-ticketing Queue. The MSL System checks for new ticket purchases where e-tickets are enabled and adds them to the Queue at a maximum of 5-minute intervals.
Processed dateThis is the date and time the E-ticket was sent to the purchaser after being added to the Queue.

This is the E-ticket’s situation at a particular time during the sending process. 

The options are:

  • OK – indicates that the E-ticket’s delivery is successful
  • No e-tickets in transaction ID [ID] – indicates that the transaction has since been refunded (or that e-ticketing has been disabled on the ticket after purchase)
CustomerThis is the name of the Customer. Click the customer’s name to open the customer’s Person Transaction History window.
Email addressThis is the customer’s email address.
Resend ()Click Resend to send the E-ticket(s) again.

For further information, see How to View and Filter the E-ticketing Queue.

Setup Fields

These tables list and explain the fields in the E-ticketing Setup windows.

Ticket Templates Fields

Ticket Templates are used to generate the PDF attachments for the e-ticket message. If multiple Ticket Templates are defined, you can override the default template on a per-event basis.

This table lists and explains the fields in the Ticket Templates window.

Field NameDefinition

This is the unique ID number for your Ticket Template.

This field is displayed only on the Ticket Templates window.


This is the name of the Ticket Template. Each template must have a unique name.

Click the Ticket Template Name link in the Ticket Templates window to open the Edit Ticket Template window.

DescriptionThis is the description of the Ticket Template. It is optional.
Template File

This is the name of the uploaded Ticket Template ZIP file. It contains Ticket.html and any files it references.

You can use Ticket Template Tokens to insert additional, automated event and ticket information.

Click the Ticket Template File linkfield in the Ticket Templates window to download the .zip file. 

For further information, see Ticket Template Tokens.

Barcode Type

This is the ticket’s barcode type.

The options are:

  • QR Code (matrix barcode)
  • Code 128 (linear barcode)

This field is displayed only on the Edit Ticket Template window.

Barcode Prefix

This is the ticket’s barcode prefix.

The options are:

  • None
  • Event ID

This field is displayed only on the Edit Ticket Template window.

(Make this the) Default (template)

Select this checkbox to make this Ticket Template the Default Template. There can only be one Default Ticket Template.

If an Event does not specify a Ticket Template, the Default will be used.

Delete ()

Click to delete this Ticket Template. It will no longer be available to select.

This field is displayed only on the Ticket Templates window.

For further information, see How to Set Up an E-Ticket Ticket Template.

Ticket Template Tokens

You can use Ticket Template Tokens to configure what preset information is automatically displayed on all tickets emailed to purchasers.

This table lists and explains the available Ticket Template tokens.

Token NameDefinition
{customername}This enters the recipient’s first and last name.
{firstname}This enters the recipient’s first name.
{lastname}This enters the recipient’s last name.
{eventnameanddate}This enters the name, start date, and start time for the event, e.g. Event Name 1 January 2024 11:00

This enters the Event's ID number.

For further information, see How to Locate an Event ID Number.

{eventname}This enters the name of the event.
{eventlocation}This enters the event’s location.

This enters the start and end date for the event.

The format is fixed.


This enters the start and end times for the event.

The format is fixed.

{transactionid}This enters the unique transaction ID number for the purchase. All transactions in your MSL System have a unique ID number.

This enters the ticket’s type.

For further information, see Ticket Types.

{ticketnumber}This enters the unique numeric code for the ticket.
{ticketprice}This enters the amount paid for the ticket.
{ticketcode}This enters the unique alphanumeric code for the ticket.
{receipttext}This enters the ticket’s receipt text.

Message Template Fields

The Message Template is used to define what is displayed on E-ticket emails sent to purchasers. Purchasers receive one message per transaction. While a user might purchase e-tickets for multiple events at the same time, all will be attached to a single email, therefore while you can create more than one Ticket Template, there is only one Message Template.

This table lists and explains the fields in the Message Templates window.

Field NameDefinition

This is the sender’s name and email address. 

The format is: "From Name" <from@address.com>


This is the subject line for the email. You can also use Message Tokens to insert additional, automated information.

For further information, see Message Template Tokens.


This is the main text of the email. You can insert as much text as you want, including supporting links. Content should be written in HTML format.

You can also use Message Tokens to insert additional, automated text into every message

For further information, see Message Template Tokens.

For further information, see How to Edit the E-Ticket Message Template.

Message Template Tokens

This table lists and explains the available Message Template tokens.

Token NameDefinition
{firstname}This token adds the recipient’s first name to the subject and/or body of the message.
{lastname}This token adds the recipient’s last name to the subject and/or body of the message.
{transactionid}This token adds the unique transaction ID number for the purchase to the subject and/or body of the message.

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