Attendee Groups

Create and populate lists based on the Door Entry record using Attendee Groups. Any event can be attached to any group, and individual events can be linked to more than one group.

This enables you to:

  • Message attendees for multiple events at the same time.
  • Report on attendees for multiple events at the same time.
  • Identify and contact regular event attendees.


You can access this feature from both your MSL website and your MSL Admin site. Only Content Editors with access to Events Admin can access an Event's Attendee Groups window on your MSL website. Only Super Admins with Event Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Attendee Groups window in your MSL Admin site.

You will need the Door Entry & Venue Management module installed on your MSL System to access this feature.
If interested, please ask your Contractual System Admin to get in touch for a quote and to discuss the implementation of this module.

If the Door Entry & Venue Management module is installed on your MSL System but Attendee Groups isn't configured, contact to set the Attendee Groups feature up for you. An organisation in your MSL System will be linked to the Attendee Groups feature in your system settings, and any groups created and linked to an event will be contained in that organisation.

For further information, see Door Entry in Events Admin.

Attendee Group Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Attendee Group windows.

Field NameDefinition
(Group) NameThis is the name of the group created in the organisation linked to the Attendee Groups feature. Event attendees are populated into the linked group when admitted into the event via the Door Entry Station or are retrospectively added to the group post-event.
Event CountThis is the total number of events linked to the Attendee Group.
This field is displayed only on the Attendee Groups window in your MSL Admin site.
Member CountThis is the total number of members populated into the Attendee Group from the linked event(s).
This field is displayed only on the Attendee Groups window in your MSL Admin site.
Available eventsThis is a list of all events that can be linked to the selected Attendee Group.
This field is displayed only on the Edit Attendee Group window.
Included eventsThis is a list of all events linked to the selected Attendee Group.
This field is displayed only on the Edit Attendee Group window.
Refresh ()Click to manually refresh the members of an Attendee Group. The group will refresh automatically overnight if the group isn't refreshed manually.
Delete ()Click to delete this Attendee Group. The group is marked as deleted, rather than permanently deleted, so can be undeleted if deleted in error.

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