Election Groups are groups in your MSL System you can automatically populate with either users who have cast a vote or users who haven't voted yet in your Election. You can use Election Groups to further segment your non-voters for more targeted communication during the polling period or to run more detailed demographic and comparative reporting.
By segmenting voters and non-voters into groups, you can gain insights into the reasons why your users either choose to participate in the electoral process or abstain from doing so. It may help you identify areas where the election process could be improved, such as increasing the number of polling stations on campus.
You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Elections Admin can access the Election Groups window.
Before proceeding, if you want to send a message to your Voters or Non-Voters, you can send one via Elections Admin instead of populating Voter and Non-Voter groups. For further information, see Election Messages.
For further information, see Elections Overview and Groups Overview.
Groups Fields
This table lists and explains the Election Groups fields.
Field Name | Definition |
Group | This is the name of the Group created in the organisation to which the Election belongs. Voters or Non-Voters are populated into the linked group automatically during the polling period or can be retrospectively added to the group post-election. |
Members | This is the total number of Voters or Non-Voters populated into the Group from the linked election(s). This field is displayed only on the Groups window. |
Populate Group | Select to populate the linked Group immediately. This field is displayed only on the Create New Group and Select Existing Group dialogs. |
Populate () | Click to manually populate a Group. This field is displayed only on the Groups window. |
Remove () | Click to remove this Group from the Election. This field is displayed only on the Groups window. |