You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Election Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Election Counts window.
If you started but did not complete a count, you can resume the count and complete it by clicking View alongside your in-progress count.
For further information, see Election Results.
Log in to your MSL Admin site at https://[domainname]/msl/. The Home menu is displayed.
From the Home menu, select Voting. The Voting submenu is displayed.
- From the Voting submenu, select Results. The Results window with a list of all Elections and Referenda with polling completed during the last month is displayed.
- From the list of Elections, select the relevant election. The Election Counts window is displayed, with previous counts (plus the date and time of the count and the username of the Super Admin who ran it) listed alongside the relevant post.
- Next to the relevant count, click View. The Count Details window is displayed.