How to Delete a Vote

Before proceeding, please be aware that once a vote has been deleted, we cannot retrieve the vote information.

Ballot Rubric Text appears above the candidates on each ballot page. The text should contain instructions explaining how to vote for the selected post. You can set the text per device type (Website, Polling Station, and StudentLink app) to accommodate the differences in the ballot windows. Remember to update this text to help your users cast their vote correctly.
For further information, see Voting Settings.

If you would like to allow your voters to change their votes, see How to Enable Vote Changing.

Only MSL can delete/ reset votes cast by your users. 

If you would like us to delete a vote or a number of votes, please ask your Contractual System Admin to get in touch, providing the voter's Name and Card Number or Person ID, as well as the election and post(s) the votes should be deleted from.

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