Survey Admin

Surveys are a method of gathering information from users by asking them questions. By creating your Survey in Survey Admin, you can efficiently ask your members to answer questions online and easily export the data collected to read and analyse. 

Survey Admin lets you collect anonymous information. This can encourage respondents to provide honest feedback, particularly where more personal questions are involved. Additionally, you can configure the survey to restrict respondents to specific groups, making them suitable to gather information from a subset of your members.


You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Survey Admin and Organisation Admins with permissions to edit surveys can access the Survey Admin window.

If you would like your Survey respondents to be added into a Group in your MSL System, contact providing the Survey name, Group ID, and how long users populated should remain in the group.

Creating a Survey consists of three steps. Adding the Survey Details, adding Sections to the Survey, and adding Questions to the Sections.
For further information, see How to Add a New Survey, How to Add a Section to a Survey and How to Add a Question to a Survey.

For further information, see Student Voice Overview.

Survey Admin Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Survey Admin windows.

Field NameDefinition

This is the name of the Survey. 

This field is mandatory. 


This is the name of the Organisation to which the Survey belongs.

This field is mandatory. 

To change the organisation, see How to Change a Survey's Organisation.

Short NameIf completed, this is used to make a friendly URL for the survey i.e. https://[domainname]/surveys/[shortname]/
This should be a web-address-friendly name. This means that you should use only alphanumeric characters with no spaces.
Short Names must be unique.
This field is displayed only in the New Survey and Edit Survey windows.
Members OnlyIf selected, only members of the Organisation to which the Survey belongs can complete the survey.
This field is displayed only in the New Survey and Edit Survey windows.
Anonymous ResponsesIf selected, no personal user information (other than user information requested in question responses, and demographic information) is included in any reports relating to this survey.
Date Range (Starts/ Ends)

These are the dates when you would like the Survey to be open for responses.

The Start Date is mandatory, but the End Date is optional. If the Survey should remain open for responses, leave the End Date field blank.

Response TypeThis field sets whether the Survey can accept more than one response from a user, and if the user can edit their response once complete.
The options are:
  • Single - The user must be logged in to complete the Survey, and can only complete it once
  • Editable - The user must be logged in to complete the Survey, and can only complete it once but can edit and re-submit their response
  • Multiple - The user must be logged in to complete the Survey and can complete the Survey as many times as they like
  • Multiple with Anonymous - The user doesn't have to be logged in and can complete the Survey as many times as they like
This field is displayed only in the New Survey and Edit Survey windows.

This is a Survey description that should contain any relevant information, for example, approximately how long it will take to complete, and if the respondent should have any information ready before they start their submission. Any content you add is displayed on the survey page and can contain the following:

  • Text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Images
  • Embedded YouTube videos

The SurveyContent Editor Toolbar can be edited to add or remove the available buttons. 

This field is displayed only in the New Survey and Edit Survey windows.
Completion Text

This is the text displayed once the respondent has completed the survey and should contain any relevant information, for example, any next steps following their response. Any content you add is displayed on the survey page and can contain the following:

  • Text
  • Hyperlinks
  • Images
  • Embedded YouTube videos

The SurveyContent Editor Toolbar can be edited to add or remove the available buttons. 

This field is displayed only in the New Survey and Edit Survey windows.
StatusThis field states whether the survey is still accepting responses, or not. The options are:
  • Current
  • Ended
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin window.
ResponsesThis field lists how many survey responses have been received, and what percentage of those are completed responses.
On the Edit Survey window, click Responses to display the Responses window, displaying a list of all complete and in-progress responses.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin and Edit Survey windows.
For further information, see How to View and Download Individual Survey Responses.
Edit Details ()Click to view the Edit Survey window.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin and Edit Survey windows.
For further information, see How to Edit Survey Details.
Edit Sections ()Click to view the Sections window.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin and Edit Survey windows.
For further information, see How to Edit Survey Sections.
Edit Questions ()Click to view the Questions window.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin and Edit Survey windows.
For further information, see How to Edit Survey Questions.
View Survey ()Click to view this Survey.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin window.
For further information, see How to View a Survey.
View Reports ()Click to view the Reports window.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin and Edit Survey windows.
For further information, see How to View Survey Reports.
Copy ()Click to Copy the survey.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin window.
For further information, see How to Copy a Survey.
Delete ()Click to Delete the survey.
This field is displayed only in the Survey Admin window.
For further information, see How to Delete a Survey.

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