How to Add a New Survey

You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Survey Admin and Organisation Admins with permissions to edit surveys can access the New Survey window.

Once you have saved your new survey, you can add a section or multiple sections.
For further information, see How to Add a Section to a Survey.

For further information, see Survey Admin.

  1. Log in to your MSL website.
  2. From the Admin dropdown, select Survey Admin, and from the Survey Admin window, click the Change linkfield. The Select Organisation window is displayed.
  3. Select the relevant Organisation. The selected organisation’s filtered Survey Admin window is displayed.
  4. Click New Survey. The New Survey window is displayed.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Title
    • Short name
  6. Select the following checkboxes, if required:
    • Members only
    • Anonymous Responses
  7. In the Date range field, remove the pre-filled To date and time if the survey has no end date.
  8. From the Response type dropdown, select an option.
  9. Click Save. The Description and Completion Text fields are displayed.
  10. In the Description and Completion Text fields, enter any relevant text, if required, and use the editor toolbar to format your text, add links etc.
  11. Click Save.

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