Forum Notifications

By setting up a Forum Topic Subscription Notification, your users can stay updated on the latest replies to specific forum topics they are interested in. When users subscribe to a forum topic, they receive email notifications containing relevant information about new replies and a link to the topic, quickly taking them to the post to read the update.



You can access this feature from your MSL System Admin site. Only Super Admins with Site Admins permissions can create and make changes to System Email Templates.

Forum Notifications are sent every few minutes, once a new reply has been received.

For further information, see Forum Admin.

Forum Notification Description

This table lists and describes the types of Notifications.

Notification NameDefinition
Forum Topic SubscriptionIf created, a message is sent to users who have subscribed to a forum topic when there is a new reply.
For further information, see How to Enable and Personalise the Forum Topic Subscription Notification.

Notification Editor Fields

For further information, see System Email Templates.

Message Tokens

Tokens can be used in the subject and body of the message to add custom details to its content.

This table lists and explains the available tokens.

Token NameDefinition
{TOPICID}This token adds the topic ID to the body of the message.

Alongside the {POSTID} token, you can use this to form a URL to take the subscribed user straight to the post by adding the following content to the email template:


{POSTID}This token adds the post ID to the body of the message.

Alongside the {TOPICID} token, you can use this to form a URL to take the subscribed user straight to the post by adding the following content to the email template:


{FORUMTITLE}This token adds the title of the forum to which the user is subscribed to the body of the message.
{TOPIC}This token adds the title of the topic to which the user is subscribed to the body of the message.
{POSTDATE}This token adds the date and time the poster replied to the topic to the body of the message in the format 01/01/2024 11:00:00.
{POSTERFIRSTNAME}This token adds the poster's first name to the body of the message.
POSTERLASTNAMEThis token adds the poster's last name to the body of the message.

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