System Email Templates

System email templates are used by your MSL System for automatic emails triggered by user actions, like making a purchase, joining a group or submitting an expense claim. They support tokens to insert pre-set information based on the email type. You can optionally customise them with HTML, ensuring they align with your brand. These emails are not to be confused with emails you can send to your members using your MSL website's messaging admin tools. For further information, see Messaging Admin.

While MSL installs most templates during your initial system setup or any new module installations, you can create and customise your own. Just be careful not to modify the existing URLs or parameters within curly brackets {} when making changes.


You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Site Admins permissions can create and edit System Email Templates.

Before proceeding, do not alter the URLs or parameters within the curly brackets {} when modifying the email templates.

Do not confuse System Email Templates with Email Templates used in Messaging Admin. For further information, see Email Templates.

For further information, see Communications Overview.

Default System Email Templates

This table lists and explains the Default System Email Templates installed on your MSL System.

Template NameDefinition
AccountValidationThis sends an email to a user when they create an account using a Registration Page on your MSL website when the "If Checked, an Account Validation Message is Sent to the Specified Email Address" checkbox is selected on the relevant Edit Registration Page window.
The email includes a validation link {SiteUrl}/account/validate/{account_guid}/ that, when clicked, confirms the new user's account, allowing them to log in.

This sends an email to a user when a new email address is added to their account by a Super User using the MSL Admin site or on your MSL website's using the user's Contact Details window.

The email includes an email address confirmation link {SiteUrl}/emailconfirm/{request_guid}/ that, when clicked, confirms the new email address, and a cancellation link {SiteUrl}/emailcancel/{request_guid}/ that, when clicked, deletes the new email address from the account.


This sends an email to a user when they buy a product though your MSL website, and if the Send Email Receipts checkbox is selected for the relevant Shop, it will also be sent to a user when they buy something at a till in-person.

The email can contain various tokens to insert pre-set purchase information such as {transaction_id} and {itemdetails_markup} to the message.


This sends an email to a user inviting them to create a website login. You can use it for individual users, or send in bulk to a group of users through the MSL Admin site.

The email includes a link {SiteUrl}/account/invitation/{invitation_guid}/ that, when clicked, takes the user to a page where they can set their login details.

If your MSL website is integrated with a single sign-on login, there's no need to send registration invitations to your members.


This sends an email to a user inviting them to reset their password.

The email includes a link {SiteUrl}/account/processresetpassword/{guid}/ that, when clicked, takes the user to a page where they can pick a new password for their account.

If your MSL website is integrated with a single sign-on login, members should reset their passwords on the SSO provider's website, i.e. the University or College they are enrolled at.

System Email Templates Fields

This table lists and explains the Edit System Email Template fields.

Field NameDefinition
Template Name

This is the designated name for the relevant System Email Template.

Unless configuring a Welcome Message, ensure it matches the expected name, as it's integral to system triggers.

To create a new version of an existing system email template, contact

This is a System Template

This checkbox is selected when the Email Template is associated with an email generated in response to system-related triggers e.g. making a purchase, or an expense claim being submitted. Once the email template is saved, the checkbox cannot be deselected.

If you mistakenly selected this checkbox while creating a new email template, e.g. for a welcome message, contact with the template name for assistance.


This is the sender’s name and email address. 

The format is: "From Name" <>


This is the urgency associated with a particular email message. The options are:

  • High Priority (Urgent) - For messages that require immediate attention
  • Normal Priority - For most emails. It indicates that the message is important but not particularly urgent
  • Low Priority - For messages that are not time-sensitive and can be addressed at the recipient's convenience

Email priority settings may not always be effective so we recommend you use clear language in the subject to convey urgency or importance alongside setting priority levels if necessary.

SubjectThis is the subject line for the email. You can also use Message Tokens to insert additional, automated information.

System email templates vary in the tokens they support. For further information about a specific template or token, contact

BodyThis is the main text of the email. You can insert as much text as you want, including supporting links. This field supports HTML.

You can also use Message Tokens to insert additional, automated text into every message.

System email templates vary in the tokens they support. For further information about a specific template or token, contact

For further information, see How to Edit a System Email Template.

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