Troubleshooting Email Delivery Failures

We understand it can be frustrating when your MSL System emails end up in spam or don't reach your members' inboxes. To ensure important information you're sending isn't missed, here are quick tips to troubleshoot email delivery issues and guarantee your messages reach your members reliably.

  1. Auto-Forwarding - Check there aren't any auto-forwarding rules that might inadvertently divert emails. Such rules can be a common culprit behind messages ending up in recipients' junk folders.
  2. Anti-Spam Measures - Ask your IT team to review and adjust anti-spam filter settings. Minor modifications here can often rectify issues related to emails being incorrectly marked as spam.
  3. Whitelisting - Request your IT team whitelists MSL's sender and IP addresses. For further information, see How to Whitelist MSL's Sender Address and IP Address.
  4. Data Accuracy - Check the accuracy of recipient email addresses. Mismatched or inaccurate data can contribute to non-delivery. For further information, see How to Update an Email Address for a Person.

  5. Email Confirmation - Check the recipient has confirmed their email address. For further information, see How to Override the Confirmation of an Email Address.

  6. DMARC Policy - Confirm with your IT team whether DMARC policies impact email delivery. If they do, consider setting up DKIM signing. For further information, see How to Set Up DKIM Signing.

    • If your University or parent institution doesn't want to set DKIM records for it's domain, we offer an alternative solution. Even if you can successfully set up DKIM, you might find the global from address approach preferable. MSL can assist in setting up a global From address, helping with the delivery of email messages even without DKIM records. For further information, see How to Configure Message Delivery with a Global From Address.

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