How to Change the Event Display Page URL for an Event List

To keep your event goers within the relevant areas of your MSL website, such as during Welcome Week or O-week, add an Event List widget to a relevant webpage within that section, like the landing page or a What's On page. Then, create an event display page as a child page of the one with the Event List widget. Finally, select your newly created Event Display Page from the Display Page Override field in the Event List widget settings.

For example, if you're organising a Winter Fest and have a What's On page at /winterfest/events/ with an Event List widget listing relevant events:

Creating an event display page at /winterfest/event/ or /winterfest/events/event/ ensures that when viewing an event, users stay within the microsite on /winterfest/event/[EventID] rather than being redirected to the default /ents/event/[EventID] page:


You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Website Admin can access the Website Pages window.

This is designed for specific scenarios where you want to maintain the page layout while viewing events, and/or manage ticket sales at designated shops (in a multi-shop setup, the shop is determined by the URL). It isn't necessary to set up an event display page to display and view events on your MSL website.

For further information, see Events Widgets.

How to Create an Event Display Page

  1. Log in to your MSL website.
  2. From the Admin dropdown, select Website Admin. The Website Admin window is displayed.
  3. Click Edit Pages. The Website Pages window with a list of website pages you have permission to edit is displayed.
  4. Next to the relevant page, select the checkbox and click Create Child Page. The New Page window is displayed.
  5. In the Page Name field, enter a web-address friendly name for your page.
  6. In the Page Title field, enter a display name for your page.
  7. Deselect the Display Links checkbox.
  8. From the Page Type dropdown, select Event.
  9. Click Create Page. The Edit Page window is displayed.

How to Add an Event List Widget to a Page

  1. Log in to your MSL website.
  2. From the Admin dropdown, select Website Admin. The Website Admin window is displayed.
  3. Click Edit Pages. The Website Pages window with a list of website pages you have permission to edit is displayed.
  4. Next to the relevant page, select the checkbox.
  5. Click Edit. The Edit Page window is displayed.
  6. Select the Widgets tab. The Widgets section is displayed.
  7. In the Add New Widget section, within the General section, select Event List. The Widget Editor window is displayed.
  8. In the Organisation field, either:
    1. Start typing the Name of your Organisation or the Organisation ID, then select the relevant one from the dropdown that is displayed.
    2. Click the Grouping Tree icon (). The grouping tree is displayed. Click Expand () to display the contents of a node, and click one item to select. The selected item is entered into the Organisation field.
  9. Select the Include Child Organisations checkbox, if applicable.
  10. From the Display Page Override dropdown, select your event display page.
  11. Complete the remaining fields as required and click Save.
  12. Click Content, and from the Widgets dropdown, select the widget. The Event List widget is entered into the editor.
  13. Select the Save/Exit tab. The Save Options section is displayed.
  14. In the Update Notes field, enter any relevant notes, then click Publish. You are returned to the Edit Page window.

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