Person Memberships

A membership connects a person to a membership group. Each membership includes an effective date, expiry date, and status. The process of joining the group can vary - users may be added automatically via a data feed, manually added, or automatically populated based on group criteria. Alternatively, users can join by purchasing a membership, opting into a mailing list, or being elected to a position within the group.

In the Person Memberships window, you can manage a user's memberships. You can add new ones, look at groups they're eligible for, suspend, reactivate, or expire their memberships, and review the membership history, for example, who added them to a particular membership group.

You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Person Memberships window.

For further information, see People Overview.

Memberships Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Memberships window.

Field NameDefinition
Add Membership

Click to display the Add Membership dialog.

Here, you can add memberships to the user's account and set the start and end dates.

Potential Memberships

Click to open the Potential Memberships window.

Here, you'll find a list of organisations, groups, and their IDs for the groups that the user qualifies for membership.


Click to reload the Person Memberships window.

SuspendClick to pause an active Membership.
ActivateClick to reinstate a suspended Membership.
ExpireClick to end an active or suspended Membership.
ReactivateClick to renew an expired Membership.
DeleteClick to permanently delete a Membership, regardless of its status (pending, active, suspended, or expired) from a user's account. 
Organisation Type

This is the specific kind of Organisation to which the user belongs.

The options are any Organisation group types you might have set up e.g. 'Club', 'Campaign', 'Representation Group'.


This is the name of the Organisation to which the Membership Group belongs, e.g. 'Chess', 'Athletic Union', 'Representation'.


This is the particular Membership Group the user belongs to.

(Membership) Type

This is the specific kind of Group to which the user belongs.

The options are any Membership group types you might have set up, e.g. 'Membership', 'List', 'Committee Membership', 'Role'.


This is the classification of the Group.

The options are any categories you might have added within each Membership's group type, e.g. 'Standard Membership', 'President'.

(Membership) StatusThis indicates the current state of the Membership.
The options are:
  • Pending - The membership hasn't started yet because its effective date is in the future.
  • Active - The membership is current.
  • Suspended - The membership is paused. Users with suspended memberships are counted in the total member tally but are omitted from specific membership group lists. Organisation admins cannot message suspended members, and they do not meet group or product requirements that necessitate Active membership of the relevant organisation.
  • Expired - The membership has ended because the expiry date is in the past.
Effective DateThis is the date the Membership becomes active.
Expiry DateThis is the date the Membership ends.
If this field is blank, the membership lasts indefinitely.
Bypass Requirements Check
Select the Bypass Requirements checkbox to add a person to a group regardless of whether they meet the requirements set.
This field is displayed only in the Add Membership dialog.
History ()Click to open the History dialog.
Here, you can view all status changes made to the Membership, along with the date, time, and username of the user who made the changes.
Membership Properties ()Click to open the Membership Properties dialog.
Here, you can view details such as the person associated with the Membership, the organisation and group name, membership status, and the effective and expiry dates. You can also edit the effective and expiry dates from this dialog.

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