Emergency Contact and Medical Information

The collection and secure storage of next of kin and medical information help you prepare for emergencies and conduct thorough risk assessments for specific activities or events. This information can be gathered through dedicated pages using widgets, and integrated into product purchase workflows, ensuring accessibility and convenience. By asking your users to provide emergency contact and medical details, you grant them autonomy in safeguarding their safety and well-being.

Medical Information can be accessed via Activities Management, and Emergency Contact through an easy-to-use Emergency Contact Info report in your Report Server.


You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Website Admin can access the Website Pages window, and only Content Editors with access to the Activities Dashboard can access the Medical Notes section in the Edit Person window.

If your data import includes emergency contact information, contact support@ukmsl.com to request importing this data into the relevant fields.

For further information, see People Overview.

This table lists and describes the available Emergency Contact and Medical Information widgets.

Widget NameDescription
Emergency Contact Information
This widget displays a short form for a user to enter their emergency contact information.
This widget is located in the User Widgets section.
For further information, including descriptions of the widget's properties, see Emergency Contact Information Widget Properties (opens in a new tab).
Medical Information
This widget displays a short form for a user to enter any relevant medical information.
This widget is located in the User Widgets section.
For further information, including descriptions of the widget's properties, see Medical Information Widget Properties (opens in a new tab).

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