Scanning University Cards

Card scanning saves time by quickly inputting card details into various search fields, for example, within your door entry station, polling station, attendance station, and till points, amongst others. This way, the system displays user details without requiring manual searches. By configuring the card swipe and card scan pattern fields, the system can correlate each card scan or swipe output with the corresponding user account within your MSL System, ensuring efficient and accurate identification of your users.

If your student cards use RFID technology instead of a barcode or magstripe, adding the corresponding RFID to each student record in your data feed enables the use of scanners. We suggest contacting your University or other parent institution to learn more about their process, but contact if you have any questions about implementing this.


You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the University Card Information window, but only MSL has the permissions to update these settings.

For best compatibility, we suggest speaking with your university or other parent institution who provides the student cards, before purchasing a card reader or scanner. They can advise on the recommended device to ensure seamless functionality.

With the StudentLink and StudentLink+ app, by configuring Identifiers, you can provide digital ID cards within the app, facilitating quick and effortless digital card scanning. For further information, see StudentLink and StudentLink+ Overview and App Settings.

For hassle-free scanning of barcodes or QR codes on E-tickets instead of scanning student cards, see E-ticketing.

For further information, see People Overview.

University Card Setup Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the University Card Setup window.

Field NameDefinition
Card Number / Student ID Pattern

This is the structure of the ID assigned to your users.

This pattern outlines how the numbers are organised, including prefixes, suffixes, length requirements, or special characters, if relevant.

MSL configures this regex to ensure that the data entered into the system is accurate and adheres to the expected format.

Card Swipe Pattern
This is the structure of the unique identifier encoded on the card when it is swiped through a card reader.
Card Scan Pattern
This is the structure of the unique identifier encoded on the card's barcode when it is scanned with a card reader.

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