How to Import Members from a File

You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Import Membership List window.

You can also open the Import Membership List window by selecting the Import... option from a Group's Memberships window.

Before proceeding, no requirement checks are done when adding members. You need to make sure the users on your list are eligible to join the group.

To match using an email address, the user must have confirmed their email address. For further information, see How to Override the Confirmation of an Email Address.

If you encounter an error when adding users to a group, it’s probably because the import file is too large. To fix this, try splitting the file into smaller batches of 500-600 records and upload them separately. Alternatively, attempt the import during a quieter time, such as early in the morning or late in the afternoon. If the file is very large, contact for assistance with importing it.

For further information, see Import Membership List and Group Memberships.

  1. Log in to your MSL Admin site at https://[domainname]/msl/. The Home menu is displayed.
  2. From the Home menu, select Import. The Import submenu is displayed.
  3. From the Import submenu, select Import Membership List. The Import Membership List window is displayed.
  4. In the Import List section, click Choose File. Select the Excel (.xlsx), tab-separated (.txt) or comma-separated (.csv) file you want to upload.
  5. Click Upload file. The Upload Results and Problem Rows - No Match sections are displayed.
  6. Click Download List of Problem Rows to review, correct, and re-upload the file if needed. Alternatively, in the Select Membership Group to Import to search box, either:
    1. Search by Group Name or ID:
      • Enter a Group Name, part of a group name or ID, and click Find Group. If there’s more than one match, the Results dialog containing a list of groups is displayed. Otherwise, the group is selected.
      • Next to the relevant Group, click Select (). You are returned to the Import Membership List window.
    2. Pick One from the Grouping Tree:
      • Click Pick One. The Select Group dialog containing your MSL System's grouping tree is displayed.
      • Click Expand () to display the contents of a node and click one item to select. You are returned to the Import Membership List window and the selected item is entered into the field.
  7. If required, in the Specify Expiry Date field, deselect the Use Global Expiry Date checkbox and select the new date from the date picker.
  8. Optionally, select the Populate Dependent Groups checkbox.
  9. Click Add People to Selected Group. A confirmation message and the Import Results section is displayed.

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