Group Attributes

Attributes help you organise groups by assigning specific categories or tags that make it easier for members to find and filter groups. Each "Attribute Set" includes several "Attributes" that describe the group, like tags. These Attributes help to display, highlight, and manage groups based on specific criteria, enhancing your members' ability to find and interact with the groups that match their interests or needs.

For example, every group type has a "Category" Attribute Set. Below are some examples of Attribute Sets, their Attributes, and potential uses - see Attribute Set Examples.

You can also link images to these attributes, so when a group has a certain attribute, like participating in a training programme, an image for that achievement can automatically appear on the group's page without you having to add it manually.

You can also use Attributes to set rules for groups, products, or tickets. For example, if you have a membership type with attributes like "Student Members" or "Associate Members," you could make it so only Student Members can access certain products or nominate for certain roles, like a committee position.

Finally, you can control how many attributes a group can have, set limits, and even choose a default attribute that will be applied automatically to new groups.

You can access this feature through your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Site Admins permissions can create or edit Attribute Sets and Attributes within Grouping Types.
Both Super Admins with Site Admin or Membership Admin permissions can manage a group's attributes by adding or removing them using a Group's Attributes window.

Some default Attributes are created for the Category Attribute Set, such as User Created Grouping, Not Categorised, and Other. These can be edited or removed once you add additional Attributes that are more suitable. 

For further information, see Groups Overview.

Attribute Set Examples

This table provides examples of Attribute Sets and their uses, beyond the default Category Attribute Set.

Attribute Set NameAttributesUse Case
Main Campus, North Campus, East Campus, West Campus
This Attribute Set categorises groups based on the different campuses they operate on.
This can be especially useful if your organisation spans multiple campuses, making it easier for members to locate and join student groups that are active at their specific campus.
Completed TrainingCompleted, Not Completed
This Attribute Set helps admins identify and contact groups that still need to complete training. Groups that haven’t completed their mandatory training can be temporarily hidden from view, ensuring only compliant groups are visible.
Show, Hide, Featured, Seeking Members
This Attribute Set can be used to control group visibility on your MSL website. For example, if a group is under review due to a complaint, it can be temporarily hidden without the need to delete the group or disrupt its memberships.
For inactive groups, we recommend you delete them - see How to Delete a Group.
Affiliated, Pending Reaffiliation
This Attribute Set helps manage a group's operational status. The "Pending Reaffiliation" attribute tracks groups renewing their status, allowing admins to ensure compliance.
For inactive groups, we recommend you delete them - see How to Delete a Group.
Awards and Achievements
Award of Excellence, Best Community Service, Top Events, Sports Champions, Fundraiser of the Year
This Attribute Set highlights a group’s achievements through images, providing visual recognition of the group's accomplishments.
This not only celebrates the group's success but might also encourage new members to join.

Attributes Fields

This table lists and explains the Grouping Types Attributes fields.

Field NameDefinition
Set (Name)This is the overarching label used to group similar attributes. It represents a collection of attributes that can be applied to groups, helping to organise and categorise them.
The default Attribute Set Name for all group types is "Category".
(Attribute) NameThis is the name of the specific characteristic assigned to a group, drawn from the Attribute Set. It is used to identify and filter groups based on their unique properties.
Is DefaultThis indicates whether an attribute is automatically applied to new groups when created.
Attribute Limit (Minimum)This is the maximum number of attributes that can be assigned to a group within a specific Attribute Set. This limit ensures that groups don’t have too many attributes assigned, maintaining clarity.
Attribute Limit (Maximum)This is the minimum number of attributes required to be assigned to a group within a specific Attribute Set. This ensures that each group has at least a certain number of characteristics to define it.

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