Group Contact Information

The Contact Info window is where super admins view, update, and manage a group's contact details such as email addresses, phone numbers, and postal addresses, ensuring accuracy for communication from the MSL System.


You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Group Contact Info window.

For further information, see Groups Overview.

Contact Info Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Contact Info window.

Field NameDefinition
Contact Type

Categorise contact information based on its purpose. These distinctions help manage communication by displaying it appropriately at the relevant time of year.

The options are:

  • Default
  • Home
  • Mobile - Listed only for Phone Number
  • Cardholder Address - Listed only for Postal Address
  • Other
  • Personal
  • Term-Time
  • Union
  • University
  • Volunteering - Listed only for Email Address and Phone Number when the MSL Volunteering module is installed
  • Work
Set as Default

When selected, the contact type becomes the default option for reporting and communication within the MSL System.

This field is displayed only in the Add Email Address, Add Phone Number and Add Postal Address dialogs.

Edit Contact ()Click to Edit the relevant contact type.

This field is displayed only in the Contact Info window.

Delete ()Click to Delete the relevant contact type.

This field is displayed only in the Contact Info window.

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