Child Groups

Child Groups contain subsets of your members, organised into groups such as membership, mailing lists, or specific roles, which sit within organisation or container-type groups. They're used to structure and manage members within the organisation. For example, you might have a dynamic list used as a mailing list for all members of the organisation, a role with permissions allowing an organisation admin to manage the group, and a membership group that users can join by purchasing a membership product.

You can manage these groups via the Child Groups window. This area allows you to navigate to each group's configuration menu, bulk add new child groups, and update requirements for multiple child groups at once, making it easy to keep your organisation structure up to date.

Here is an example screenshot of an organisation's child groups:

You can access this feature from the MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Child Groups windows.

For further information, see Groups Overview.

Child Groups Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Child Groups window.

Field NameDefinition
GroupThis is the name of the Child Group.
TypeThis is the group's Grouping Type.
It controls various settings, such as whether the group can have child groups and the types of parent or child groups it can belong to.
Once set, to change a group's type, see How to Change a Group's Type.
For further information, see Grouping Types.
CategoryThis is the group's Category.
The options are the attributes added to this group's grouping type.
Is DeletedThis indicates whether the group has been deleted. The options are:
  • Yes - The group has been marked as deleted.
  • No - The group is not deleted.

To view deleted groups, ensure Show Deleted Groups is selected in the filter options. For further details, see How to View and Filter Child Groups Below a Group.

To delete a group, see How to Delete a Group. To restore a deleted group, see How to Undelete a Group.

Bulk Add Requirements Fields

For further information, see Group Requirements and How to Bulk Add Requirements.

Bulk Add Groups Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Bulk Add Groups window.

Field NameDefinition
Parent Group Type
This is the type of group to which you want to add a sub-group (or Child Group).
The available Parent Group Types are the Organisation group types set up in your MSL System. For further information, see Grouping Types.
For example, if you’re creating a new membership group for all your societies or clubs, you would usually select a Parent Group Type of Society or Club.
The option selected determines the options available in the next field, the Type dropdown.
TypeThis is the type of group you'd like to add as a sub-group (or Child Group) to the selected Parent Group Type. The available options are Membership group types configured in your MSL System which are permitted for the chosen Parent Group Type.

For example, if the Parent Group Type is set to Society or Club, you'll usually have the option to bulk add child groups such as Memberships, Lists, Dynamic Lists, or Committee Member roles.

The option selected determines the options available in the next field, the Category dropdown.


This is the category you want to assign to your new Membership type groups.

The available options are categories you've added within each Membership group type, such as 'Standard Membership' or 'President'.

NameThis is the Name that will be assigned to all the new groups.
Create Default Requirements

This specifies whether the default requirement should be applied to the groups upon creation.

If selected, the group inherits membership requirements from its parent organisation. For example, to join the Geography Society as a Treasurer, the user must first be a member of the Geography Society (default requirement: A - Include - Memberships in 'Geography Society').

Whether this field is left selected, or deselected, you can still create or update the group's requirements later. For more information, see How to Add a Requirement to a Group, How to Bulk Add Requirements, or How to Edit a Requirement for a Group.

For further information, see How to Bulk Add a Membership Group to Child Groups.

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