Registration Pages

Registration Pages allow users, like new students, guests (e.g., parents or ticket purchasers), or staff, to create accounts and access your MSL website's features. Users can create new accounts or validate existing ones when that type of user can't log into your website via the Single Sign-On (SSO) integration.

Registration Pages can be tailored to your needs, with separate pages for students, staff, guests, and other user categories. Each page can have unique headings and fields configured to meet your specific requirements.

Users can access your Registration Pages by clicking the "Register New Account" link, which can be customised within your Login widget. You can also configure the widget so that users are directed straight to a specific Registration Page instead of seeing a list of options.


You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Site Admins permissions can access the Registration Pages windows, and only MSL has the permissions to update the fields.

Remember to collect only necessary information; avoid requesting data like postal addresses if it's not required as holding excessive data may breach data protection principles.

If you require specific data collected through a registration page because you don't have access to a data feed or an SSO login integrated with your MSL website, please ask your Contractual System Admin to get in touch for a quote and to discuss the development of a bespoke registration page.

If your university or parent institution offers an SSO login, registration or validation through a registration page may be unnecessary. Please contact to discuss further.

For further information, see People Overview.

Registration Page Options

New Student Registration

To let new members who don't know their SSO login details yet access your MSL website before welcome week or o-week, you can create a registration page, allowing them to sign up. We recommend setting the ID Field Option to optional or required, based on whether new students are likely to know their university ID or card number yet. Keep in mind, however, that their data record will be flagged in pending data once they are included in your data file, so these accounts will need to be merged into their student records. Using the mandatory groups field, these users can also be automatically placed into a specific membership group upon registration, simplifying the process of identifying your new members, and allowing you to easily contact them or help them engage with your MSL website, such as purchasing a welcome wristband.

Alternatively, if new members can log in with SSO before being added to the data file, contact us to discuss reconfiguring your SSO login to create accounts for users, as this would result in a smoother process for both users and administrators.

Student Registration

If your MSL website doesn't have an SSO login integrated but has a data feed, students can register by providing some details from their data record. If you require this type of registration page set up, we recommend requesting the student's email, date of birth, as well as the mandatory university ID/card number. Additionally, we suggest enabling the account validation email so that the system can check the provided information against the university record and if the information matches, a validation email is automatically sent to their email address. We recommend adding appropriate help text to inform users of registration issues and ensuring that the student ID and email address regex are configured with MSL to verify the information, thereby avoiding future problems with the user's account.

Staff/ Student Cohort Registration

If your MSL System's data feed doesn't include staff or specific cohorts of students, you can set up a registration page to create accounts for these users. We recommend configuring the email address regex with MSL to verify the information, ensuring that successful registration requires an email address with a specific suffix, such as the university domain. Additionally, we recommend activating account validation emails so that an email is automatically sent to the user's email address containing a link which must be clicked before they can log in. Using the mandatory groups field, these users can also be automatically placed into a specific membership group upon registration, simplifying the process of identifying staff or cohort members and allowing you to easily contact them or help them engage with your MSL website.

Guest Registration

You can set up a registration page without verifying against student records or conducting email address regex checks. This allows anyone to create an account on your MSL System, including associate members or users making a purchase. However, you can also configure a non-logged-in shop to prevent users from creating accounts solely for making purchases, such as buying a ticket. Using the mandatory groups field, these users can also be automatically placed into a specific membership group upon registration, simplifying the process of identifying guest account holders, and allowing you to easily contact them or help them engage with your MSL website.

Registration Pages Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Registration Pages window.

Field NameDefinition
NameThis is used to make a URL for the Registration Page i.e. https://[domainname]/account/register/[name]/
This should be a web-address-friendly name. This means that you should use only lowercase letters, numbers, dashes and underscores with no spaces.
This field is mandatory.
There is a character limit of 20.
Link TextThis is the title displayed in the list of available Registration Pages on the Register Account page.
There is a character limit of 100.
Link DescriptionThis provides a brief explanation of the Registration Page, helping users select the appropriate one.
It appears beneath the Link Text on the Register Account page.
There is a character limit of 250.
TitleThis is the title displayed at the top of the Registration Page.
There is a character limit of 100.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Sort OrderThis defines the sequence of Registration Pages displayed.
For example, if one Registration Page has a sort order of 1 and another has a sort order of 2, they will be listed numerically, with 1 appearing first and 2 appearing second.
There is a character limit of 3.

This field only accepts numbers.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Is The Page Currently Available? (In Use)This indicates whether the Registration Page is displayed on your MSL website.
Site(s)This is a list of websites configured in your MSL System.
Typically, there's a main site labelled as Default, along with any additional sites, such as a separate node site or a development site.
This lets you have a Registration Page display on one site, for example, a satellite campus website, but not on your primary site.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Help TextContent added to this text field is displayed beneath the Title.
This field supports HTML.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Registration ModeThis determines the function of the account creation process via the Registration Page and governs the display of certain fields.
The options are:
  • Data Match - If selected, the user's information provided on the Registration Page must match a student record in the current data file
  • Register New - If selected, the page registers a new user when submitted
If Checked, the Page Allows Re-Validation of an Existing Account

If selected, this lets users re-validate an already validated account, useful when users may forget if they've registered previously.

If this field isn't selected, and a user attempts to re-validate their account, the following message is displayed: "Your account is already registered. If you have forgotten your password, please use the forgotten password page."

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Data Match.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, The Supplied Email Address Must Match The Address In The Registration Data

If selected, the user's entered email address must match the one associated with their student record in the current data file. If the email address doesn't match, the message entered in the 'Data Does Not Match' Message field is shown.

If this field isn't selected, users can validate their account using a different email address, and the validation message will be sent there.

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Data Match.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, The Supplied Date of Birth Must Match The Date In The Registration Data

If selected, the user's entered date of birth must match the one associated with their student record in the current data file. If the date of birth doesn't match, the message entered in the 'Data Does Not Match' Message field is shown.

If this field isn't selected, the Date Of Birth field is not displayed on the Registration Page.

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Data Match.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window. 
'ID Not Found' Message

Content added to this field is displayed when a user enters an ID that meets the regex requirements, for example, the correct number of digits, but doesn't match any IDs/ Card Numbers in the current data file.

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Data Match.

Though this field is not mandatory, MSL strongly recommends completing this field when the Registration Page is in Data Match mode.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
'Data Does Not Match' Message

Content added to this field is displayed when the user enters an email address or date of birth that doesn't match the records associated with the provided ID number in the current data file.

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Data Match.

Though this field is not mandatory, MSL strongly recommends completing this field when the Registration Page is in Data Match mode.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
'Data Import Problem' Message

Content added to this field is displayed when the user-provided details do not match any successfully imported records, such as when the record is held in Pending Data.

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Data Match.

Though this field is not mandatory, MSL strongly recommends completing this field when the Registration Page is in Data Match mode.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
ID Field Option

This setting determines if the Student ID Number field is shown on the Registration Page, and if it's optional or required. If a card number is provided by the user, it will be added to the ID/Card Number field on their account.

The options are:
  • Not Shown - The field is not displayed.
  • Optional - The field is displayed, but completing it is not required.
  • Required - The field is displayed, and it must be completed to register.

This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Register New.

Though this field is not mandatory, MSL strongly recommends selecting "Optional" or "Required" when asking students to register accounts, especially for temporary new student accounts, if they should know their ID/Card Number. This facilitates easier merging of these account types with the ones in the data file.

If Student ID is selected from the Username Generation field, then the ID Field Option must be set to Required.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Field Title (Student ID)This is how you refer to the Student ID the user must provide.
If this field is left blank, it defaults to Student ID Number.

There is a character limit of 50.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Hint Text (Student ID)This gives details about the ID, such as its length or where to find it.
If completed, this text appears alongside the Student ID Number field.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Regex (Student ID)

This field is where a regular expression (regex) is input to verify if an ID number meets specific criteria, such as format or length.

Contact to define the criteria, and we will configure this field accordingly, if required.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Error Text (Student ID)

This message is shown when either no ID is given or when the ID provided doesn't match the Student ID Validation Regex.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is mandatory if a Student ID is required.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Data Field ConfigurationThis field is configured in JSON format to collect university data during registration when your MSL System is not linked to a data feed, and there is no Single Sign-On (SSO) login, or it can't be configured to provide data attributes.
Contact to define the criteria, enabling you to gather information like study location from users via the registration page. This data is then associated with parameter values for further use.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, The Date Of Birth Field Is Visible And Must Be SuppliedThis setting determines if the Date Of Birth field is shown on the Registration Page.
This field is relevant only when Registration Mode is set to Register New. In Data Match mode, the Date of Birth field is controlled by the "If Checked, The Supplied Date of Birth Must Match The Date In The Registration Data" field.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Minimum AgeThis is the minimum age required for registration on this page, calculated from the Date of Birth provided.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Minimum Age Warning Message

Content added to this field is displayed when the user is younger than the Minimum Age, if specified.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "You do not meet the minimum age requirements."

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, The Middle Names Field Is Visible

If selected, the middle name field is displayed, but providing one is optional.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, The Mother's Maiden Name Field Is Visible And Must Be Supplied

If selected, the mother's maiden name field is displayed, and providing one is mandatory.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Field Title (Email Address)This is how you refer to the Email Address the user must provide.
If this field is left blank, it defaults to Email address.

There is a character limit of 50.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Hint Text (Email Address)This provides guidance about the Email Address, for example the expected format, particularly useful when requesting users to input a specific one, like their University email address.
If completed, this text appears alongside the Email Address field.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Regex (Email Address)

This field is where a regular expression (regex) is input to verify if an email address meets specific criteria, such as using a particular suffix.

Contact to define the criteria, and we will configure this field accordingly, if required.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Error Text (Email Address)

This message is shown when either no email address is given or when the email address provided doesn't match the Email Address Validation Regex.

There is a character limit of 250.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "Please enter a valid email address."

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Phone Number Field OptionThis dropdown determines whether the Phone Number field is shown on the registration page.
The options are:
  • Not Shown
  • Optional
  • Required

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.

Field Title (Phone Number)This is how you refer to the Phone Number the user must provide.
If this field is left blank, it defaults to Phone number.

There is a character limit of 50.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Hint Text (Phone Number)This provides guidance about the Phone Number, for example if you need to specify whether a mobile or landline phone number should be provided.
If completed, this text appears alongside the Phone Number field.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Error Text (Phone Number)

This message is shown when either no phone number is given or when the provided phone number is not in the correct format.

There is a character limit of 250.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "Please enter a valid phone number."

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Postal Address Field OptionThis dropdown determines whether the Postal Address field is shown on the registration page.
The options are:
  • Not Shown
  • Optional
  • Required
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Field Title (Postal Address)This is how you refer to the Postal Address the user must provide.
If this field is left blank, it defaults to Postal address.

There is a character limit of 50.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Hint Text (Postal Address)This provides guidance about the Postal Address, for example if you need to specify whether a term time address should be provided.
If completed, this text appears alongside the Postal Address field.

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Error Text (Postal Address)

This message is shown when either no postal address is given, or when the provided address is missing information, for example the Country hasn't been selected.

There is a character limit of 250.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "Please enter a valid postal address."

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Username Generation

This dropdown decides the user's username.

The options are:
  • Entered By User
  • Student ID
  • Email Address
  • Email Prefix
If Student ID is selected from the Username Generation field, then the ID Field Option must be set to Required.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Field Title (Username Settings)This is how you refer to the Username the user must provide.
If this field is left blank, it defaults to Username.

There is a character limit of 50.

This field is relevant only when the Username Generation field is set to Entered By User.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Hint Text (Username Settings)This provides guidance about the required format for the Username.
If completed, this text appears alongside the Username field.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "Enter a username between 6 and 80 characters."

There is a character limit of 250.

This field is relevant only when the Username Generation field is set to Entered By User.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Regex (Username Settings)

This field is where a regular expression (regex) is input to verify if a username meets specific criteria.

Contact to define the criteria, and we will configure this field accordingly, if required.

This field is relevant only when the Username Generation field is set to Entered By User.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Error Text (Username Settings)

This message is shown when either no username is given or when the username provided doesn't match the Username Settings Validation Regex.

There is a character limit of 250.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "Please enter a username."

This field is relevant only when the Username Generation field is set to Entered By User.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Groups Header Text

This is the text displayed above the opt-in groups on the registration page.

If this field is left blank, it defaults to Groups.

There is a character limit of 100.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Groups Help TextContent added to this text field is displayed beneath the Groups Header Text.
This field supports HTML.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.

This field is for specifying the opt-in Groups to be listed on the registration page.

You can enter multiple group IDs separated by commas, up to a maximum of 400 characters.

Check that the group(s) don't have requirements or auto-population settings that would exclude new users from joining.

To find a group ID, see How to Locate a Group's ID Number.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Preselected GroupsThis field is used to specify any opt-in Groups that appear with the checkbox already selected on the registration page.

You can enter multiple group IDs separated by commas, up to a maximum of 400 characters.

The group IDs entered here must also be listed in the Groups field.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Group Selection Option

This field determines the format of group listing and the number of groups the users can select.

The options are:
  • Checkbox List - This lets users select multiple options from the list of groups.
  • Radio List - This provides your users with a list of options, allowing them to choose only one of a predefined set of mutually exclusive options.
  • Dropdown List - This provides your users with a dropdown list of groups, and they can select only one from the list. It's a space-saving alternative to the radio list option, particularly useful for long lists of groups.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Group Name Display Option

This determines how the group is shown in the list.

The options are:

  • Group Name Only - Displays only the group's name.
  • Full Name - Shows both the owning organisation and the group's name, formatted as [Organisation Name] - [Group Name].
  • Organisation Name Only - Displays only the name of the group's owning organisation.

This is helpful when, for example, you have a list of groups with the same name but from different organisations, for instance, if the group name is "Interested" but each belongs to a different organisation, you might want to display the owning organisation's name to help users distinguish between the groups they're selecting.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Mandatory Groups

This field allows you to specify the Group(s) that users registering on the page will be automatically added to.

You can enter multiple group IDs separated by commas, up to a maximum of 400 characters.

Check that the group(s) don't have requirements or auto-population settings that would exclude new users from joining.

To find a group ID, see How to Locate a Group's ID Number.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, Runs Recursive Autopopulation Upon Completion Of RegistrationIf selected, and a user is added to either an optional or mandatory group where that group is also set as requirement for another auto populating group (for example, a dynamic list), then the user will also be added to the second group through the registration process.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Show CAPTCHA Select this checkbox to show a reCAPTCHA, which helps prevent fake account creation.
Ensure you've entered your reCAPTCHA keys on the reCAPTCHA Keys window accessed via your Website Admin window.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
CAPTCHA Control Title

This is the text displayed above the reCAPTCHA on the registration page.

There is a character limit of 100.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.

Submission AgreementThis dropdown allows you to select an Agreement, for example a code of conduct, to be displayed on the registration page.
If selected, users must confirm their agreement before submitting their registration.

The options include any Standard or Embedded type Submission Agreements you've requested to be set up. If you need a new one, contact

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Checkbox Text

This is the text shown alongside the agreement checkbox.

If left blank, it defaults to "Please check the box to continue."

There is a character limit of 200.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Validation Message

This message is shown when the agreement checkbox has not been selected.

There is a character limit of 200.

If this field is left blank, the message displayed defaults to "Please check the box to continue".

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Profile Survey Form ID

This field allows you to specify a Survey ID.

If specified, it prompts the user to answer additional questions from the survey on the registration page.

To find a survey ID, see How to Locate a Survey ID Number.

The survey must be current, not set to Members Only, and have a response type of MultipleWithAnonymous. For further information about setting up a survey, see Survey Admin.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, An Account Validation Message Is Sent To The Specified Email AddressIf selected, this sends an email to a user when they create an account via the registration page.

The email includes a validation link {SiteUrl}/account/validate/{account_guid}/ that, when clicked, confirms the new user's account, allowing them to log in.

Though this field is not mandatory, MSL strongly recommends sending validation messages to users during registration and re-validation to prevent fraudulent account activity.

This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
If Checked, The User Is Auto-Logged In On CompletionIf selected, users will be automatically logged into your MSL website upon clicking the "Register" button. If not selected or if an account validation message is set to send, users will need to log in separately after registering.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.
Completion Page NameIf specified, this URL determines where users are redirected after clicking the "Register" button. It should only include the page path after the domain, for example /account/register/welcome/.
The page should contain information such as instructions to check their inbox for a validation email before logging in, or any other helpful details for first-time users on your website.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Registration Pages window.

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