Event Tickets

Events are linked with the MSL System's eCommerce tools to provide ticketing facilities. Event Tickets are admission tickets or fees for Events such as gigs, club nights, and trips. When purchased, Event Tickets are linked to a user’s account, allows the purchaser access to one or more events, and can be sold through your MSL website, the StudentLink® app, and tills in shops.

This enables you to: 

  • Sell paperless tickets, e-tickets, and even traditional paper tickets, easily online, at reception, or at other outlets
  • Create different ticket types, and set sales limits for Ticket Types and for the overall event
  • Add requirements to your tickets if, for example, you only want those in your Current Students group to be able to buy them 
  • Keep track of real-time ticket sales across your Organisation and for each student group with real-time ticket sales reports, for example, purchasers are added to the Ticket Holders report as soon as they buy a ticket


You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Events Admin can access the Event Tickets window.

The Event Tickets window appears when the new event has been saved.

Event Tickets can also be added by Organisation Admins.
For further information, see How to Add Tickets to an Event via Organisation Admin tools.

For further information, see Events Overview.

Event Product Group Fields

The Event Product Group section is displayed when you add at least one ticket to an event.

This table lists and explains the fields in the Event Product Group section.

Field NameDefinition


This is the name for the Event Product Group.

If you create the event’s tickets on the Event Tickets window, the tickets are added to a product group, which is used to set sales and per-person limits across a set of products.

Net sales

This is the number of Tickets sold for the Event in the Event Product Group. The number of ticket purchases in progress is also displayed. 

Sales limit

This is the overall event ticket sales limit showing the number of Tickets of all Ticket Types in the Event Product Group that can be sold. Enter the number of available tickets across all Ticket Types in the text field.

For example, if your event has both a Students Ticket Type and a General Ticket Type, and the Event Product Group sales limit is set to 100, you might sell 70 Students tickets and 30 General tickets, or 51 Students tickets and 49 General tickets (if no sales limits are set directly on the tickets).

For further information, see How to Add an Overall Event Ticket Sales Limit.

Per person limit

This is the maximum number of Tickets of any Ticket Type in the Event Product Group that one user can purchase. Select a number, from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 20, from the dropdown menu.

For example, if your event has both a Students Ticket Type and a General Ticket Type, and the Event Product Group per person limit is set to 1, the user can only buy either the Student or General ticket, not both.

For further information, see How to Add an Overall Event Per Person Ticket Sales Limit.

Availability Messages Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Availability Messages section. 

Field NameDefinition

Not available

If you have not added any Tickets to your Event, or if all available tickets have been removed from sale, the content entered into this field is displayed on the event page and event lists e.g. Sold Out, or Free Event.


If there are Tickets on sale for your Event, the content entered into this field is displayed on the event page and event lists e.g. Selling Fast!

For further information, see How to Edit Event Ticket Availability Messaging.

E-ticket Options Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the E-ticket Options section. 

Field NameDefinition


This is the E-ticket Template being used for any tickets with the Send e-tickets checkbox selected. The options are any E-ticket Ticket Templates you might have set up. 

If this field isn’t visible, it means that either you only have one Ticket Template, or that E-ticketing is not installed on your MSL System.

For further information, see How to Set Up an E-ticket Ticket Template.

If you are interested in setting up E-ticketing, contact support@ukmsl.com

For further information, see E-ticketing.

Existing Tickets Fields

The Existing Tickets section displays a 'There are no tickets assigned to this event.' message until you add at least one ticket to the event.

This table lists and explains the fields in the Existing Tickets section.

Field NameDefinition

Ticket type

This is the short name for your Ticket. It is used on the Event page. The options are any ticket types you might have set up, for example, General, Students, and Members.

For further information, see Ticket Types.

Product #

This is the unique ID number for your Ticket. All products in your MSL System have a unique ID number.


This is the amount required in payment for the Ticket.

Per-person limit

This is the number of Tickets of this Ticket Type that can be sold to an individual user. 

Sales limit

This is the number of times the Ticket Type can be sold in total for the event.


This is the number of times this Ticket Type has been sold.


If Yes, the Ticket will be listed on the Event page once it’s on sale.

In group

If Yes, the Ticket is included in the Event’s Product Group.

On sale

If Yes, the Ticket is currently on sale at one or more Shops.

Add/edit sales records ()

Click Add/edit sales records to open the Add / Edit Sales Record dialog where you can put your ticket on and off sale.

For further information, see Add / Edit Sales Records Fields and How to Put a Ticket On Sale and Take It Off Sale.

Edit ()

Click Edit to access the Edit Existing Ticket section where you can update your Ticket’s details.

For further information, see How to Edit a Ticket.

Requirements ()

Click Requirements to access the Ticket Requirements window where you can add, update or delete your Ticket’s Requirements.

For further information, see Ticket Requirements Fields and How to Add a Requirement to a Ticket.

Customisations ()This is where you can add questions to your Ticket to gather additional information from the user before they purchase it. Customisations can be mandatory or optional

For further information, see How to Add a Customisation to a Ticket.

Delete ()

Click Delete to remove the Ticket from your event if none have been sold. 

For further information, see How to Remove Tickets from an Event.

For further information, see How to View Ticket Information for an Event.

Add New Ticket/ Edit Existing Ticket Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Add New Ticket/ Edit Existing Ticket section.

Field NameDefinition
ProductThis is the unique ID number and Product name for your Ticket. All products in your MSL System have a unique ID number.
This field is displayed only in the Edit Existing Ticket section.


This is the short name for your Ticket used on the Event page. The options are any ticket types you might have set up, for example, General, Students, and Members.

This field is mandatory. This field cannot be edited on the Event Tickets window once saved. To update a ticket's Type, contact support@ukmsl.com.

For further information, see Ticket Types.

Add new ticket type

Click the Add New Ticket Type linkfield to open the New ticket type dialog

For further information, see How to Add a Ticket Type.


This is the amount required in payment for the Ticket. Enter 0 if the ticket is free.

This field is mandatory.

Primary ticket?

If checked, your Ticket will be listed on the event’s page once you put it on sale.

Sales limit

This is the number of times your Ticket can be sold. Enter the number of available tickets in the text field.

Per person limit

This is the number of times your Ticket can be sold to an individual user. Select a number, from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 20, from the dropdown menu.

Finance Code

Finance/account codes are used by your Finance department to allocate revenue from sales through your MSL System to the correct department or group.

Add new finance code

Click the Add New Finance Code linkfield to open the New Finance Code dialog.

For further information, see How to Add a New Finance Code to a Ticket.


This specifies the rate of tax applied to your Ticket. Select the correct rate from the dropdown menu.

To add or update tax rates, contact support@ukmsl.com.

Ticket descriptionThis is a brief description of the Ticket product.
Text entered here can optionally be displayed using the Event Tickets or Event Brand Tickets widget.

Send e-tickets

If selected, an email containing PDF ticket(s) with unique scannable codes is sent to the purchaser once they buy the ticket(s).

If this field is visible on your Event Ticket window, see How to Enable E-tickets for a Ticket.

If this field isn’t visible, and you are interested in setting up E-ticketing, contact support@ukmsl.com.

Receipt/ticket text

Content added to this text field is displayed on email receipts and printed tickets. This field supports HTML.

For further information, see How to Add Tickets to an Event and How to Edit a Ticket.

Add Existing Product as Ticket Fields

For ticketed events, we recommend that you set up your Ticket(s) via the Event Tickets window.
Only set up your tickets in the POS Admin application when a pass, wristband, or other similar product will act as a ticket for this, and other, events.

This table lists and explains the fields in the Add Existing Product as Ticket section.

Field NameDefinition


If the Product has already been created in the POS Admin application, start typing the Product ID or the Name of your product, then select the correct one from the dropdown that is displayed. 

Ticket type

Ticket Type is the short name for your Ticket used on the event page. The options are any ticket types you might have set up, for example, General, Students, Members.

This field is mandatory.

For further information, see Ticket Types.

For further information, see How to Add an Existing Product as a Ticket.

If you add an existing product as a ticket, by default the Primary Ticket? checkbox is deselected. This is because the MSL System assumes the product is being sold elsewhere, for example when a pass is set to allow access to multiple events.
If the ticket should be displayed on the event page, see How to Make a Ticket a Primary ticket.

Add / Edit Sales Records Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Add / Edit Sales Records dialog.

Field NameDefinition

The options are any Shops you might have set up.

Your MSL System is set up with a Website shop by default, linked to your payment gateway. If the StudentLink® app is installed on your MSL System, it will be linked to a shop called App, also linked to your payment gateway.

By putting a ticket on sale at a Shop, you make that ticket available to purchase either on your Website, the StudentLink® app, or any tills enabled for that Shop.

On saleThis is the start date and time for the Ticket's sales period. The format is dd/MM/yyyy and HH:mm in 24-hour clock.
This field is mandatory.
Off saleThis is the end date and time for the Ticket's sales period. The format is dd/MM/yyyy and HH:mm in 24-hour clock.
This field is optional. If an off sale date and time are not specified, once the event's end date and time have passed the ticket will no longer be available for purchase on the event page.
DiscountThis is the amount the Ticket is being discounted by for the sales record e.g. if the ticket price is 10.00, to apply a 20% discount enter 2.00 in the Discount field.
Discounts can be applied to sales records with or without a Code.
CodeThis is the Code included either in the URL to create a secret link to access the ticket or entered at the checkout to apply a discount (used together with the Discount field) to the ticket price.
A Code should be 6 characters long. This field supports numbers and upper and lowercase letters.
The same Code can be applied to one or more sales records.
Codes can be applied to sales records with or without a Discount.
Codes can be applied to logged-in and non-logged-in transactions.
Requirements can't be added to a Code.
Codes do not replace or override any existing ticket sales limits.
The Sales by Access Code report can be used to check tickets purchased via a Code, facilitating event rep and promoter sales tracking.
Show all recordsSelect this checkbox to show past sales records.
Edit ()Click to edit the sales record.
Stop ()Click to take the ticket off sale immediately.

For further information, see How to Put a Ticket On Sale and Take It Off Sale.

Ticket Requirements Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Ticket Requirements window.

Field NameDefinition

This displays the detail of the Requirement, i.e. the name of the Top Group or Group, to which you must belong first, in order to meet the requirements of the currently selected Ticket.

For example, if I needed to limit ticket purchases to current members of the Students' Union, the requirement on that Ticket might be that you must first be a member of the Current Students group.

Type of RequirementThis defines whether in order to meet the Requirement the purchaser needs to be a member of the selected Grouping, or if the purchaser needs to be in a group matching the further fields e.g. a Standard Member of a Society.
The options are:
  • This specific grouping
  • This or any group below it in the tree
Requirement Option

This is the letter that represents the rule on a requirement.

The options are: every letter from A-Z

Organisation type

This is the type of organisation of this Requirement’s Qualifying Groups.

The options are any Organisation group types you might have set up e.g. 'Club', 'Campaign', 'Representation Group'.

Organisation category

This is the category of the selected Organisation type.

The options are any categories you might have added within each Organisation’s group type, e.g. 'Academic', 'Creative', 'Faith', 'Political'.

Membership type

This is the type of membership of this Requirement’s Group.

The options are any Membership group types you might have set up, e.g. 'Membership', 'List', 'Committee Membership', 'Role'.

Membership category

This is the category of the selected Membership type.

The options are any categories you might have added within each Membership's group type, e.g. 'Standard Membership', 'President'.

For further information, see How to Add a Requirement to a Ticket.

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