Bulk Import an Events List

The Import Events List feature allows you to create multiple events at once via a spreadsheet import, streamlining the event creation process. The blank Events Import Spreadsheet is supplied in Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) format.


You can access this feature from the MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Event Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Import Events List window.

The Events Import Spreadsheet feature doesn't import Tickets, but contact support@ukmsl.com for help bulk adding tickets to your imported events.

For further information, see Events Overview.

Events Import Spreadsheet Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Events Import Spreadsheet.

Field NameDefinition

Organisation Name

This is the name of the Organisation to which the Event belongs.

The organisation must already exist in your MSL System, and the name entered must be an exact match.

This field is mandatory. 

Event Title (Name)

This is the name of the Event. It is displayed on the event page and in event lists.

If you are running more than one of the same ticketed event on the same day, add an additional identifier to the Event Title, for example, Morning Session, or Afternoon Session.

This field is mandatory.

Start Date/Time

This is the start date and time for the Event. It should be in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

The start date and time must be before the end date and time.

This field is mandatory. 

End Date/Time

This is the end date and time for the Event. It should be in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

The end date and time must be after the start date and time.

This field is mandatory. 

Short Description

This is a brief introduction to the Event. Content should be written as plain text.

Location Text

This is where the Event is taking place.

Members Only?

This indicates whether the Event is limited to members of the organisation running it. 

The options are Yes to set the event's View Permission to Members Only, or leave the cell blank to set the event's View Permission to Everyone.


This indicates whether the Event is a Programme Event which sets the default URL as /ents/event/ID/ rather than /events/ORGID/ID. The event will appear in event lists with the ‘Only show authorised entertainments programme events’ checkbox selected, and in your MSL website’s events RSS feed.

The options are Yes to select the Programme checkbox for the event, or leave the cell blank to leave the event's Programme checkbox unselected.

Display From Date

If specified, the Event will only be displayed from this date and time. It should be in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

Display Until Date

If specified, the Event will only be displayed until this date and time. It should be in the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm

External URL

If specified, this is the URL to which users will be redirected, rather than the default Event page. It could be another page on your MSL website or an external website.

Event Types

This is a classification that allows users to filter the Event List on your MSL website and StudentLink® app. The Event Type(s) must already exist in your MSL System, and the name(s) entered must be an exact match.

For further information, see Event Types.

Brand Name

This is the Brand to which the Event belongs. Brands provide a common image, appearance and other details for events across your MSL website. The Brand must already exist in your MSL System, and the name entered must be an exact match.

For further information, see Event Brands.

Template Name

This is the micro-template you want to apply to the Event.

The Event Template must already exist in your MSL System, and the name entered must be an exact match. If left blank, the default Event Template will be applied to the event.

For further information, see Event Templates.

Long Description

This is a longer Event description that should contain all other details not already specified for the event.

Import Events List Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Import Events List window.

Field NameDefinition
Update Existing EventsWhen selected, if any Events added to the Events Import Spreadsheet already exist in your MSL System, their fields will be updated when imported.
Edit ()

Click to view the Edit Item dialog where the Event information supplied in the Events Import Spreadsheet can be edited, if required.

The Edit field appears after the Events Import Spreadsheet has been uploaded.

Delete ()

Click to remove the Event from the import.

The Delete field appears after the Events Import Spreadsheet has been uploaded.

StatusThis is the Event's situation at a particular time during the import process. The options are:
  • OK - this message is shown if the Event can be successfully imported
  • Organisation does not exist - this message is shown if the Organisation Name entered does not match any existing Organisations in your MSL System.
  • Duplicate organisation/title/start date in file - this message is shown if there is more than one of the same Event in the Events Import Spreadsheet.
  • Invalid start/end dates - this message is shown if the start and/or end dates are invalid, for example if the start date is after the end date, or if they have been entered in an incorrect format.
  • Matching event exists - this message is shown if an Event with the same details already exists in Events Admin.
  • No matching brand - this message is shown if the Brand Name entered does not match any existing Event Brands in your MSL System.
  • No matching template - this message is shown if the Event Template entered does not match any existing Event Templates in your MSL System.

The Status field appears after the Events Import Spreadsheet has been uploaded.

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