Door Entry in Events Admin

Support the smooth running of all your events held at your venue(s) with Door Entry. With Door Entry, the Events Admin windows are extended to include Door Entry setup windows.

This enables you to:

  • Configure an event's venue and entry points(s)
  • Estimate attendance for your events
  • Allow free entry to your event for a certain group of users by adding the group to the Guest List
  • Import external ticket data into your MSL System if you sell some of your event tickets through other agents such as See Tickets or Ticketmaster letting you scan all tickets using the Door Entry station.

You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors with access to Events Admin can access the Door Entry windows.

You will need the Door Entry & Venue Management module installed on your MSL System to access this feature.
If interested, please ask your Contractual System Admin to get in touch for a quote and to discuss the implementation of this module.

For further information, see Door Entry Overview.

Setup Fields

Venues and Entry Points Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Venues and Entry Points section.

Field NameDefinition
Total capacityThis indicates the maximum amount of people who can fit in the selected Venue(s). It is calculated by adding together the capacity of each Venue selected.
(Venues) NameThis is the name of the Venue(s) where your event takes place.
The options are any Venues you might have set up. Select one or more Venues.
For further information, see How to Add a New Venue.
CapacityThis indicates the maximum amount of people who can fit in the corresponding Venue(s).
(Entry Points) NameThis is the name of the Door Entry Point which is a location where you will use the Door Entry station e.g. Main Door.
The options are any Door Entry Points you might have set up.
For further information, see How to Add a New Entry Point.

For further information, see How to Set the Total Capacity for an Event.

Age Check Options Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Age Check Options section.

Field NameDefinition
Minimum ageThis is the minimum age of the event attendee. The Door Entry station will check the user's account for their date of birth, if present, and calculate their age on that basis.
If an event attendee comes to the event and is under the minimum age, an 'Age requirements not met' warning message is shown, but the Door Entry operator has the discretion to override this setting and admit the attendee.
Maximum ageThis is the maximum age of the event attendee. The Door Entry station will check the user's account for their date of birth, if present, and calculate their age on that basis.
If an event attendee comes to the event and is over the maximum age, an 'Age requirements not met' warning message is shown, but the Door Entry operator has the discretion to override this setting and admit the attendee.

For further information, see How to Set Age Requirements for an Event.

Ticket Options Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Ticket Options section.

Field NameDefinition
TypeThis is the Ticket Type applied to the ticket added to the event.
Click the Type name linkfield to open the ticket options dialog where you can set per-ticket ID requirements and latest entrance times if required.
ProductThis is the name and the unique ID number for your Ticket added to the event.
Latest entrance timeThis is the time by which ticket holders must enter the event.
This field is optional.
ID requiredIf selected, an ID required dialog is displayed when a Door Entry operator redeems a ticket and either the ticket is not associated with a user account, or the attendee has more than one ticket associated with their account.
ID is prompted every time a ticket is redeemed (it does not assume the first ticket should be for the ticket purchaser, to cope with multiple-purchase scenarios and to make it explicit what is happening).
The dialog includes a prompt to enter the attendee's name and select or enter the type of ID the attendee has shown, even if the transaction was anonymous, allowing you to collect ticket holder information for all attendees. 
Photo ID requiredIf selected, the Door Entry operator is prompted to take a photo of the event attendee.

For further information, see How to Set Latest Entrance Times per Ticket and How to Set ID Check Prompts per Ticket.

Capacity Fields

If you have a season ticket or ‘events pass’ scenario and you anticipate a busy night, you may want to reserve a certain number of places for these attendees by setting attendance estimates.

Current Capacity Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Capacity at (Current Date and Time) section.

Field NameDefinition
Ticket type/ groupsThis is the ticket type applied to any tickets added to the event, and the entry group if there is a group or groups added to the guest list.
MaxThis is the maximum number of attendees for the ticket type or guest list. The figure is the same as the number of tickets of that type sold or the number of members of the entry group.
EstThis is the estimated number of attendees for that ticket type or entry group, if estimates are set.
InThis is the actual number of attendees who have entered the event.
Not inThis is the remaining number of attendees for that ticket type or entry group. This is calculated as the total number of ticket holders or members of the guest list, minus the number who have been admitted into the event. 
TWFThis is the Tickets Working Figure (TWF).
This is calculated as follows:
  • If an estimate has been set, but not reached, that is used
  • If an estimate has been set and exceeded, the actual number of attendees figure is used
  • If no estimate has been set, the maximum number is used.
TotalThis indicates the maximum amount of people who can fit in the selected Venue(s).
Tickets available

The Tickets Working Figure (TWF) for each ticket type and entry group are added together and subtracted from the capacity to give the number of tickets available.

RefreshClick to update the fields in the Capacity section with the current ticket holder, entry group member, attendance, and estimate figures.

For further information, see How to Refresh an Event's Current Capacity Fields.

Update Estimates Fields

This table lists and explains the fields in the Update Estimates section.

Field NameDefinition
(Tickets) TypeThis is the ticket type applied to any tickets added to the event.
Product (Name)This is the name and the unique ID number for your Ticket added to the event.
SalesThis is the number of tickets of that type that have been purchased.
(Groups) NameThis is the name of the group added to the guest list.
MembersThis is the total number of users belonging to the corresponding group.
External tickets (ticket type)This is the file type set for externally sold tickets uploaded to the event.
Ticket countThis is the number of externally sold tickets that have been uploaded.

This field is where estimates per ticket type and entry group are set. Setting estimates is recommended if, from past events, you know the number of ticket holders and entry group members attending will be different from the actual number of sales or members. 

For example, if 500 tickets were sold in advance of the event, but I can estimate based on previous events that only 400 of those ticket holders will turn up, by setting the estimate to 400, if selling tickets at the event, I could sell an additional 100 tickets without going over capacity.

For further information, see How to Add Ticket and Group Attendance Estimates.

Guest List Fields

For further information, see Door Entry Guest List.

External Tickets Fields

The External Tickets feature means you can sell tickets via third-party agents, for example, Ticketmaster or See Tickets, and import the barcodes for those tickets into your MSL System. They can then be redeemed via the Door Entry station in the same way as tickets sold on your MSL website. 

The External Tickets window is enabled on request. If the External Tickets feature isn't installed on your MSL System, contact to configure it for you.

This table lists and explains the fields on the External Tickets window.

Field NameDefinition
File type (Ticket type)

This is the type of ticket file uploaded. The file type is displayed in place of the ticket type (e.g. Guest, Member, Earlybird) on the Door Entry station.

The options are:

  • Generic barcode list
  • Generic barcode list with qty
  • Alt Tickets
  • AXS
  • Dice
  • Eventim
  • Gigantic
  • Music Glue
  • Reformatted
  • See
  • Ticketmaster
  • Ticketweb

For additional file types, or to check the format of a file type, contact

Ticket countThis is the total number of tickets contained in the uploaded ticket file. If there is no ticket quantity specified on the ticket file, the MSL System will assume there is 1 ticket per barcode. However, a ticket quantity can be specified if, for example, more than 1 ticket is redeemable per barcode.
UploadedThis is the date and time the ticket file was uploaded.
FilenameThis is the name of the file that was uploaded.
NoteThis text field is where you enter relevant notes about the ticket file. This field is displayed only in the Upload ticket file section.
ID required (Requires ID)

If selected, an ID required dialog is displayed when a Door Entry operator redeems an uploaded ticket.

The dialog includes a prompt to enter the attendee's name and select or enter the type of ID the attendee has shown.

This field is displayed only in the Upload ticket file section.

Photo ID required (Requires photo ID)

If selected, the Door Entry operator is prompted to take a photo of the event attendee.

This field is displayed only in the Upload ticket file section.

Preview only
If selected, when the ticket file is uploaded, the Uploaded tickets table is displayed showing the ticket data contained in the uploaded ticket file for review, however, the tickets are not imported.
Delete ()Click to delete the uploaded ticket file.

This is the barcode number(s) uploaded from the ticket file. This field is mandatory.

This field is displayed only in the Uploaded tickets table.


This is the customer(s) name uploaded from the ticket file, if supported by the file type. This field is optional.

This field is displayed only in the Uploaded tickets table.


This is the customer(s) last name uploaded from the ticket file, if supported by the file type. This field is optional.

This field is displayed only in the Uploaded tickets table.


This is the customer(s) first name uploaded from the ticket file, if supported by the file type. This field is optional.

This field is displayed only in the Uploaded tickets table.


This is the number of tickets redeemable per barcode if specified. If the quantity has not been specified, the quantity will be 1.

This field is displayed only in the Uploaded tickets table.


This is the order reference uploaded from the ticket file, if supported by the file type. This field is optional.

This field is displayed only in the Uploaded tickets table.

For further information, see How to Import Externally Sold Tickets to an Event.

Attendee Groups Fields

For further information, see Attendee Groups.

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