Guest List

Allow free entry for a certain group of users by adding a group, or multiple groups, to the Guest List for your event. With an online guest list, you can control who has access to the event and ensure that only authorised attendees are allowed entry free of charge.

While any group in your MSL System can be added as a Guest List to an event, the MSL System also facilitates a Primary Guest List that can be linked to an event, with the users in that list maintained via the Guest List window in the MSL Admin site. When adding a user to the Primary Guest List, you have the option to set an expiry date for the membership of the guest list if required, and add optional notes about their addition to the guest list e.g. Quiz Winner.


You can access this feature from both your MSL website and your MSL Admin site. Only Content Editors with access to Events Admin can access an Event's Guest List window on your MSL website. Only Super Admins with Event Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Guest List window in your MSL Admin site.

You will need the Door Entry & Venue Management module installed on your MSL System to access this feature.
If interested, please ask your Contractual System Admin to get in touch for a quote and to discuss the implementation of this module.

For further information, see Door Entry in Events Admin.

Door Entry Guest List Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on an Event's Door Entry Guest List window.

Field NameDefinition
GroupThis is the membership-type group selected containing the group of users who are allowed to gain entry to the event for free.
Click the Group name linkfield on the Guest List window to open the Edit group dialog.
MembersThis is the total number of users belonging to the selected group.
Single entranceWhen selected, members of the Guest List can only enter the event once.
Latest entrance timeThis is the time by which members of the Guest List must enter the event.
ID requiredN/A
Photo ID requiredIf selected, the Door Entry operator is prompted to take a photo of the event attendee.
Delete ()Click to remove this group from the Guest List. 

For further information, see How to Add a Guest List to an Event.

Primary Guest List Fields

If the Door Entry & Venue Management module is installed on your MSL System but the Primary Guest List isn't configured, contact to set the Guest List up for you.
Let us know if you would like the Primary Guest List to be applied to all events by default.

This table lists and explains the fields in the Guest List window.

Field NameDefinition
SearchThis is where you select the user to add or remove from the Guest List. You can search for the user via their Person ID, Card Number, Name or Email address.
This field is displayed only in the Update Guest List section.
Card NumberThis displays the card number of the user added to the Guest List.
This field is displayed only in the Current Entries section.
NameThis displays the name of the user added to the Guest List.
This field is displayed only in the Current Entries section.
Added OnThis displays the date the user was added to the Guest List.
This field is displayed only in the Current Entries section.
Expiry Date (Expires)This is the date the Guest List membership expires. This is an optional field, and the membership will be indefinite if left blank. 
NotesThis text field is where you enter relevant notes about the membership of the Guest List, for example, the reason for the addition. This field is optional.
Delete ()Click to remove this user from the Guest List.
This field is displayed only in the Current Entries section.

For further information, see How to View the Current Primary Guest List.

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