How to Use an RSS Events Feed


You can access this feature from your MSL website.

Display a link to your RSS Events Feed on your What's On page by selecting the Display Link to RSS Feed checkbox on the Event List widget.

For further information, see Events Feeds.

  1. From your MSL website, access the RSS Events Feed at https://[domainname]/ents/rss/[Organisation ID]/
  2. If required, attach the following URL parameters to refine the results further:
    • subtree
    • date
    • from
    • to
    • programmeOnly
  3. Returned are publicly viewable events, according to the organisation and URL parameters.

Example URL

The following example URL will return all public events below the Union organisation including events owned by the Union's child organisations.


To sort by event date in descending order, append /eventdate/ to your request.


To sort by event date in ascending order, append /eventdateasc/ to your request.


The request can also be narrowed down to a specific date range using the querystring parameter of 'from' and 'to'.


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