How to Schedule the Sending of an Email Message

You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Organisation Admins with permissions to send messages can access the Send Email window.

For information about how to enable the Sending Time section for an organisation, see How to Allow Delayed Sending.

The default maximum sending delay is set to 48 hours. For any extension beyond this, contact

For further information, see Send Email.

  1. Log in to your MSL website.
  2. From the Admin dropdown, select Messaging Admin. The Select Organisation window is displayed.
  3. From the list of Organisations, select the relevant organisation. The organisation’s Messaging Admin window is displayed.
  4. To create an Email, either:
    1. Click Send Email;
    2. Edit an existing draft by clicking the relevant Subject field;
    3. Copy an existing draft or sent message by clicking Copy () next to the relevant message
  5. The Send Email window is displayed.
  6. In the Sending Time section, select Send At The Time Specified.
  7. In the Sending Date field, click the Calendar icon () and from the date picker, select the relevant date.
  8. Complete the Sending Time field e.g. 13:00
  9. Compose your email message, then click Send. You are returned to the Messaging Admin window, where your scheduled email is listed in the Sent Items section.

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