Import Membership List

The Import Membership List window lets you easily add users to a group by importing them from an external file. You can import many members at once from Excel or comma- or tab-delimited text files (.csv or .txt) that include email addresses, student numbers, University user IDs, or any combination of these. These files can be created using Excel or similar programs.

The system checks the first column of your file and matches users based on their University ID, email address, or University user ID, provided they already have an account in your MSL System.

This feature allows you to gather and organise data from various sources, such as lists from external companies or events, into one central location. This helps you get a complete overview of your members and their activities, enabling you to better support them.


You can access this feature from your MSL Admin site. Only Super Admins with Membership Admins or Site Admins permissions can access the Import Membership List window.

Before proceeding, no requirement checks are done when adding members. You need to make sure the users on your list are eligible to join the group.

To match using an email address, the user must have confirmed their email address. For further information, see How to Override the Confirmation of an Email Address.

If you encounter an error when adding users to a group, it’s probably because the import file is too large. To fix this, try splitting the file into smaller batches of 500-600 records and upload them separately. Alternatively, attempt the import during a quieter time, such as early in the morning or late in the afternoon. If the file is very large, contact for assistance with importing it.

For further information, see Groups Overview and Group Memberships.

Import Membership List Fields

This table lists and explains the fields on the Import Membership List window.

Field NameDefinition
Rows in Import File
This shows the total number of rows of data in the import file.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

Non-Duplicate Rows
This shows the total number of unique rows of data in the import file.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

Rows Matched to Card Numbers
This shows the total number of rows in the import file that matched existing card numbers in the system.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

Rows Matched to Email Address
This shows the total number of rows in the import file that matched existing confirmed email addresses in the system.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

Rows Matched to University User ID
This shows the total number of rows in the import file that matched existing user ID numbers in the system.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

Rows with Card Number Not Linked to Person
This shows the total number of rows in the import file with card numbers that are not linked to any imported account.
If the card number isn't in Pending Data, and the user is registered in your system, you can manually link their account to the number. For further information, see How to Set a Person's Card Number.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

The Identifier field in the Problem Row - No Match section shows the data from the first column of the imported file that couldn't be matched to any account. You can download a list of these problem rows to review, fix, and re-import.

This field is displayed after the file is imported.

Populate Dependent Groups

Select to update Memberships of other groups where autopopulation is enabled and their requirements involve this group.

Records to Process
This is the number of rows the system successfully matched to an account and imported into the group.
This field is displayed after you select Add People to Selected Group.
Number of Existing or Pending Members
This is the number of members from the import file who are already in the group.
This field is displayed after you select Add People to Selected Group.
New Memberships Created
This is the number of new members added to the group from the import file.
This field is displayed after you select Add People to Selected Group.

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