Accessing and Navigating Your MSL Website

Your MSL System comprises two essential areas. Firstly, your MSL website is the public-facing part of the system where your members and other users can access information, services, and resources. Your MSL System also includes your MSL Admin site, accessible only to authorised Super Admins. Access permissions for your MSL website are separate from those for the MSL Admin site. Having access to one does not automatically grant access to the other.

Your MSL website is divided into functional areas, each dedicated to managing different aspects of your MSL System. The Admin menu contains top-level areas where you can oversee features used across your entire MSL System and multiple organisations (e.g. Survey Admin, where you can manage all surveys).

The Organisation Admin Tools menu is an area at the organisation-level, usually used by Student Groups. It allows group committees to manage features for their specific group (e.g. Surveys, where you can set up a survey within the selected organisation).

Your access to these areas depends on the modules installed on your MSL System and the permissions assigned to your MSL account by your Contractual System Admin. If you need access to a specific area and don't have it, contact your Contractual System Admin.


Before logging into your MSL website, you'll need a username and password. You may log in with MSL login credentials or via SSO (Single Sign-On), depending on your setup.
If you're not sure whether you have an account, reach out to your Contractual System Admin who can check if an account exists and create one if necessary.

For further information, see MSL System Overview.

MSL Website Admin Menu

You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Content Editors can access the Admin window.

This table lists and explains the items in the admin menu.

Item NameDescription
Activities DashboardThis is where Content Editors view and manage Activities created by Organisation Admins. They can also review Requests such as Transport, Room, and Speaker booking forms, as well as access the Manage Organisations and Manage People windows.
Adverts AdminThis is where Content Editors create and manage Advertisers and Ads for your MSL website, and run reports on ad views and click-throughs.
App AdminThis is where Content Editors update the StudentLink or StudentLink+ app home screen and menu items, send push notifications, update account creation settings, and configure field titles.
For further information, see StudentLink and StudentLink+ Overview.
Blog AdminThis is where Content Editors create and update Blogs, including settings like descriptions, images, editors, admins, and the ability for users to comment on blog posts.
For further information, see Blog Admin.
Directory AdminThis is where Content Editors create a structured listing of information, like local businesses and graduate recruiters, for your MSL website. You can also create featured listings to charge higher prices and generate more revenue.
Elections AdminThis is where Content Editors create and manage Elections, including settings, posts, eligibility, candidacies, and publishing results.
For further information, see Elections Admin.
Events AdminThis is where Content Editors create and manage Events, add tickets, and send messages to ticket holders. You can also configure brands, event types, featured events, event templates, and ticket types. For further information, see Events in Events Admin.
If you have the Door Entry & Venue Management module, this is where you setup Door Entry for an event, for example, venue capacity and ticket options. For further information, see Door Entry in Events Admin.
Feedback AdminThis is where Content Editors add and edit instances for the Feedback module and configure service areas, feedback types, and email notifications.
Forum AdminThis is where Content Editors create and edit Forum categories and configure forum settings, including security permissions and display options.
For further information, see Forum Admin.
Ideas AdminThis is where Content Editors create and manage Idea Areas, configure their content items, set viewing and contributing permissions, and enable an approval process, including assigning admins.
For further information, see Ideas Admin.
Jobs AdminThis is where Content Editors create and manage Employers and Job vacancies. Here you can also customise the required fields for employers when posting vacancies, and assign users to manage job listings, both globally or for specific employers.
LiveFeed AdminThis is where Content Editors configure channels and post entries to a LiveFeed for live display on your MSL website.
For further information, see LiveFeeds.
Marketplace AdminThis is where Content Editors manage user-listed items and update item categories in the Marketplace.
Messaging AdminThis is where Content Editors send emails and SMS to users, with the option to send to external recipients.
For further information, see Messaging Admin.
News AdminThis is where Content Editors add and approve news articles for display on the MSL website.
For further information, see News Admin.
Photos AdminThis is where Content Editors manage photos uploaded to galleries by individual users and organisations.
Poll AdminThis is where Content Editors add and manage polls for organisations and view poll results.
Profile AdminThis is where Content Editors add Profile questions for users and configure how answers are displayed.
Referenda AdminThis is where Content Editors set up new Referenda, create and manage motions, add members to motion groups for user arguments, and view live voting stats.
For further information, see Referenda Admin.
Shop AdminThis is where Content Editors organise Products into catalogues, group them into families, and add images for website display.
Signup AdminThis is where Content Editors manage Signups for organisations, including managing availability, visibility, and viewing the signup list.
Skills Training AdminIf configured, this is where Content Editors list courses for users to sign up and learn new skills, manage course types, generate attendee reports, and handle dates and signup lists.
Survey AdminThis is where Content Editors create and manage Surveys, including adding sections, questions, setting up notifications, and viewing response data.
For further information, see Survey Admin.
Volunteering AdminThis is where Content Editors configure the Volunteering & Employability module, manage providers, create and approve activities, handle volunteers, communicate with providers and volunteers, and set up award schemes.
Website AdminThis is where Content Editors manage all user-created MSL website content, including creating and editing pages, updating page structure, managing skins and templates, configuring editor toolbars, uploading default images, and setting organisation page parameters, like root pages for student groups.

Other Admin Items

Item NameDescription
Grant Applications
This is where Content Editors oversee and process online funding applications for student groups, accessible via https://[domainname]/gas/ for those with permissions.
A separate test site is available at https://[domainname]/gas-staging/
Student Group FinancesThis is where Content Editors manage and process expense claims for student group members, accessible via https://[domainname]/sgf/ for those with permissions.
A separate test site is available at https://[domainname]/sgf-staging/
Student Case Manager
This is where Advisors create and manage advice cases for members, accessible only via a direct link to your SCM site and with a system licence. Access and permissions for this module are managed separately from your MSL Admin site due to the confidential nature of the content.

Organisation Admin Tools Menu

You can access this feature from your MSL website. Only Organisation Admins can access the Organisation Admin window.

This table lists and explains the items in the organisation admin tools menu.

Item NameDescription
Edit DetailsThis is where Organisation Admins can manage details about their student group, including the logo, email, Instagram, YouTube channels, Facebook page ID for Messenger chat, and descriptions.
Website PagesThis is where Organisation Admins create, edit, and delete website pages for their student group if they have permissions. Typically, student group pages are linked to a template, so direct editing by Organisation Admins isn't necessary.
NewsThis is where Organisation Admins post news articles for display on their website page.
EventsThis is where Organisation Admins create Events. There are fewer fields here compared to Events Admin.
For further information, see Events via Organisation Admin Tools.
TicketsIf enabled, this is where Organisation Admins add Tickets to existing events and add customisations as needed.
For further information, see How to Add Tickets to an Event via Organisation Admin tools.
MessagesThis is where Organisation Admins send emails and SMS to their members on behalf of the organisation, with the option to send to external recipients.
MembersThis is where Organisation Admins view current members and a list of Members per-group, including their membership start and end dates. Here you can also remove members from groups and add potential members.
GroupsThis is where Organisation Admins view all active and deleted Groups, create new groups, rename groups, soft delete groups, and restore deleted groups.
SignupsThis is where Organisation Admins manage Signups for their student group, including managing availability, visibility, and viewing the signup list.
SurveysThis is where Organisation Admins create and manage Surveys, including adding sections, questions, setting up notifications, and viewing response data.
Membership APIIf enabled, this is where Organisation Admins generate an API key to retrieve a list of all members, including their email addresses and student ID numbers, and verify membership for validation on external websites.
PollsThis is where Organisation Admins add and manage polls and view poll results.
ProductsIf enabled, this is where Organisation Admins create and sell Products such as kit, or merchandise, and optionally add customisations.
Sales ReportsThis is where Organisation Admins generate sales, purchaser, and customisation reports for product sales within their organisation.
ResourcesThis is where Organisation Admins upload and edit documents for resources, manage download permissions, and track upload dates, last updates, and download counts for existing resources.
Edit PermissionsThis is where Organisation Admins grant or update permissions for individuals or groups within their student group, limited to those available for the organisation group type.
Trip RegistrationsIf enabled, this is where Organisation Admins create trip registrations, answer required questions, and add participants from both members and non-members.
MeetingsIf enabled, this is where Organisation Admins create meetings, link agendas, and add notes and actions to each agenda item.
FinancesThis is where Organisation Admins submit, track, and, if permitted, approve expense requests.
Grant ApplicationsThis is where Organisation Admins submit, track, and, if permitted, approve grant applications.
ActivitiesThis is where Organisation Admins create activities, submit requests (e.g. speaker booking forms, H&S checklists, trip registrations), and manage teams within their student group.
FundraisingThis is where Organisation Admins set fundraising targets and add fundraising entries to their dashboard.
Contact Requests If enabled, this is where Organisation Admins view messages from potential members, contact them, and mark requests as responded.
VolunteeringIf enabled, this is where Organisation Admins can update their provider profile, create peer-led volunteer opportunities, manage student group volunteers, and send messages to them.

Browser Compatibility

The MSL website is compatible with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox on macOS devices running version 10.13 or later. On Microsoft Windows devices running version 10 or later, it supports Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge (latest version).

For mobile devices, it supports Safari and Google Chrome on iOS devices (iOS 10.3 or later on iPhone 6s or iPad 5th gen or later) and Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox on Android devices (OS 8.0 or later), provided that the website(s) are designed to be mobile responsive.

We will use reasonable endeavours to support updated versions of the listed browsers within three months of their release. Compatibility ends when the respective publisher or manufacturer discontinues extended support for the version in question.

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